Example; of the cost of starting up a franchise in a local market such as the hamlet of Bellingham, WA. These costs are then passed along to local families.
It is simple math really if a company has higher costs to operate it then transfers those costs to the customers t pay the month fees to the franchise. We provide high quality remodeling services at a local small company price, we have no franchise fees to transfer to our customers.
We can offer an identical remodel for 20% less costs to you $$ and that is worth the time it takes to call us for a free estimate!
www.bellinghamhomeworks.com 360-988-3012 Affordable Quality - Local Talented Contractor
"The Start-up Costs" - the sales pressure - the prices inflate to cover overhead
""The table from Item 7 of our Franchise Disclosure Document outlines the startup costs for a DreamMak
.....franchise. The estimated startup costs includes $18,000 to $91,500 that we suggest franchisees reserve for working capital, salary for part-time office manager and personal living expenses during their first six to 12 months in business. Not all franchise systems account for six to 12 months of personal living expenses and working capital expenses during the ramp-up phase when estimating startup costs, but they are important to consider so you’ll be prepared ahead of time to effectively address reasonable cash flow in building your business once it is open.
Third-party financing is available so you won’t need to have all of this money up front. What you will need is a net worth of $350,000 to $400,000 and liquid capital (savings and checking accounts, retirement accounts, stocks and bonds, etc.) of $150,000." ""